Booking is first contact between any establishment with the guest,so must be handled carefully and swiftly.
How are booking made:
Booking can be made by using:-
- Letter
- Telex
- Telephone
- Telefax
- Personal call
A book to record the bookings must be opened.What information must be recorded in this book which is known as booking diary.
- Name of the guest
- Day,date
- Time
- Number of patrons in the party
- Any special request
Just be open the restaurant,the head waiter will reserve as per the booking a table.A special tag carrying the name of will be on the side table.
When the guest arrives waiting staff should do the following;-
- Greeting and inviting the guest
- Seating the guest
- Presentation
- Explaining of the Menu and order taking
- Writing and the clearing of the order
- Transmitting of the order
- The service